Meole Milestones


"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

Guided by our school vision, 'Let your light shine' (Matthew 5.16), we aim to provide all children with every opportunity to grow, flourish and shine. The children's learning and development therefore extends beyond the national curriculum requirements and running through and alongside our broad and ambitious curriculum for each subject area, we have a programme of memorable experiences mapped out for the children to enjoy and learn from as they move up through the school.

We call this programme Meole Milestones and by providing each of the children with these opportunities that they might not otherwise get to experience, we hope to inspire them, creating aspirations for the future and for potential career prospects. The Meole Milestones also help to prepare the children for life in modern Britain as they persevere for success, learn to keep themselves and others safe and become valuable, respectful and respected citizens in their communities

Each of the children carries a Meole Milestones Passport with them on their journey through our school and they check off the milestones as they go. The Meole Milestones, which you can see below, cover a wide range of inspirational challenges to cater for all interests, adding to their cultural capital

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Compete - represent the school at a sporting event
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Cycle - learn to ride a bike
Debate - discuss and debate issues and current affairs
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Experience - visit places of historical and cultural significance
Explore - take part in outdoor adventurous activities
Grow - go on an overnight residential visit
Lead - take on a role of responsibility in school.
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Perform - perform in front of an audience.
Play - learn to play a musical instrument.
Protect - develop safety skills for life.
Read - regularly use a library and read widely.
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Swim - learn to swim.


Children across the school are given regular opportunities to represent the school in sporting competitions, fixtures and events. These are not always competitive in nature but give children the chance to experience being part of a team and encourage physical activity and sport. 


We support children in learning to ride a bike and then develop their cycling proficiency through the Bikeability programme. 


Through our weekly Current Affairs sessions and in all aspects of the curriculum, children develop their knowledge of global issues to support them in forming their own opinions and challenging injustice where they find it as courageous advocates. They are then given opportunities to debate such issues, articulating their viewpoints and learning to respectfully agree or disagree with someone else. 


Educational visits to historically and culturally significant places and expert visitors to school help to broaden children's horizons and enhance their learning in each subject area. 


Within the PE curriculum, children develop their knowledge and skills in outdoor adventurous activities as they move up through the school. Forest School is also interwoven through our curriculum and children in EYFS and Year 1 benefit from weekly sessions. 


Children in Year 4 visit the Pioneer Centre in Cleobury Mortimer through CPAS School Ventures for a two-night residential visit, while children in Year 6 enjoy their annual visit to Arthog. 


Children are encouraged to take on leadership roles and responsibilities as they move up through the school. 


We value the performing arts and ensure all children get the chance to perform in front of an audience through music, drama, recital and dance. We also have regular visits from professional performers to inspire the children and show them what is possible with passion and perseverance. 


Through our music curriculum, all children receive musical instrument lessons, which many choose to take on with lessons from a peripatetic music teacher in school. In Year 2, children learn the recorder, in Year 4 the pBuzz and brass in Year 5. 


Throughout the school children are equipped to keep themselves and others safe. This incorpoates the NSPCC "Speak Out. Stay Safe." programme, Online Safety education, RSHE and even first aid training. It also extends to road, rail and water safety and the different ways in which we can protect and care for others. 


Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and we therefore aim to instil a love of reading and literature in each of the children. Children check this off in their Meole Milestones passports after every ten loans from the school library or when they visit a public library. 


As a school, we are committed to supporting children in learning to swim as we recognise this as an essential life skill, particularly with our close proximity to the Reabrook and the River Severn. Through our partners at Embrace Sport and Elite Swimming, we have a mobile swimming pool on site for three weeks every year in the summer term. Each child in Key Stage 2 benefits from an intensive course of daily lessons for a week and Year 2 children are given taster sessions to introduce them to the water.