Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Coles
Miss Morris
Hello Starfish and Seahorses!
Welcome to the Reception page!
This term our topics are 'People Who Help Us', 'Healthy and Happy - Staying Safe', 'Super Powers' and 'New Beginnings - Easter and Spring' . Click on the 'What are we learning this term?' tab above to find out more about our curriculum and the children's learning.
Important Information
PE - There is no set day for P.E in Reception as we make the most of any opporunity we get throughout the week to complete Physical Development and P.E activities. As a result, can we please ask that P.E kits are brought into school on a Monday and left on children's pegs for the whole week, ready for us to use whenever we need to.
Library - Library visits will take place every Tuesday for Starfish and every Friday for Seahorses. If your child would like to change their book, please ensure it is in school on these days as old books need to be returned before a new one can be borrowed.
Forest School - Seahorses will head out for 'Tuesday in the Trees' each Tuesday morning and Starfish will enjoy 'Forest Thursday' each Thursday morning. In preparation for their session, we ask that children come to school dressed and ready to go in their waterproofs and wellies with plenty of warm layers on as we head into the winter months. Children can remain in their home clothes for the rest of the school day and need to bring a labelled plastic bag and a pair of clean shoes to change into on their return.
Supporting Learning at Home
Please find some useful links and log-in details below for websites to support your learning at home.
Reception: Events items
Children's Mental Health Week, by Mr Bray
Safer Internet Day, by Mr Bray