
Please see the list below of our Governors including the committees that they sit on.  If you would like to contact one of our Governors please use the email at the bottom of the home screen.

Meole Brace C of E Primary School and Nursery Governing Body
Governor Term of office Category Committee Membership Register of Business Interest
Mr. Roy Whitfield-Percy
Chair of Governors
28/06/2024 Co-opted Governor

Curriculum Committee

Premises, Security and Health and Safety Committee

Pupil Premium Link Governor

Rev. Phil Cansdale
Vice Chair of Governors
Ex-officio Foundation Governor Finance and General Purpose Committee Committee Member of Trinity Centre
Mrs Jenny Surl
05/04/2025 Foundation Governor Curriculum Committee  
Mrs Sarah Latcham
01/04/2027 Foundation Governor

Curriculum Committee

Safeguarding Link Governor

Looked After Children Link Governor

No Photo.jpg
Mr. Duncan Bowdler
10/06/2028 Parent Governor Finance and General Purpose Committee  
Mrs Kelly Watkins
10/06/2028 Parent Governor

Curriculum Committee

Premises, Security and Health and Safety Committee

SEND Link Governor

Mr. Phil Adams
13/10/2025 Local Authority Governor

Finance and General Purpose Committee

Premises, Security and Health and Safety Committee

Mr. Henry Bray
Ex-officio Headteacher

Curriculum Committee

Finance and General Purpose Committee

Premises, Security and Health and Safety Committee

Mrs Sandra Holloway
School Business Manager
11/05/2027 Non-teaching Staff Governor

Finance and General Purpose Committee

Premises Security and Health and Safety Committee

Mr. Edward Pharo
Class Teacher
13/10/2025 Teaching Staff Governor

Curriculum Committee

Mrs Hayley Lakin
Deputy Headteacher
  Associate Member

Curriculum Committee