Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Nolan
Hello Shrimps!
Welcome to the Nursery page!
This term we begin with the topic 'All About Me'. Please click on the 'What are we learning this half term?' tab above to find out more.
Important Information
During their time with us the children can choose to play inside or in the outdoor area throughout the day. Inside we have a book and talking corner, a small world and construction area, creative corner, writing and mark-making area, maths area, role play area and a large interactive white board for them to play with and a sensory tray. In the outdoor area we have a mud kitchen, water play, sand play, role play, large and small construction, climbing frame, ball skills, bikes and trikes and many other areas and activities.
Please remember the children will need to bring a water bottle filled with fresh water each day and their name written clearly on it. The children do have a mid-morning snack of a piece of fruit and will be offered a drink of milk or their water bottle as their drink. We will refill the bottles once they have drank all their water as the day goes on. If your child stays for lunch, they have the option to bring a packed lunch from home or buy a school dinner, which they can order with us each morning.
Forest School - Friday morning
Please see the Charging and Remission Policy (found in the Policy Information page) for more information about the charges made for additional hours in Nursery.
Supporting Learning at Home
Please find some useful links and log-in details below for websites to support your learning at home.
Nursery: Events items
Children's Mental Health Week, by Mr Bray
Safer Internet Day, by Mr Bray